Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 has been released today. Our Prime Minister has inaugurated the result publishing ceremony. The SSC Result 2024 Dhaka Board is live from 11 AM in the morning. Firstly the Dhaka Board result is announced and then other boards’ results are revealed. As usual, Dhaka Board holds the highest number of GPA-5. A total of 46 thousand students have secured GPA-5 this year under Dhaka Education Board.
How to check Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024? There are several ways to know your Dhaka Education Board Result. But since most of the students want to know results by mobile phone, I am showing the Online method and the SMS method.
Dhaka Education Board is the biggest among all boards of the country. Under this board, a big number of institutions participate in the SSC exam. Thus, Dhaka Board holds the most number of candidate number in SSC Exam. However, Dhaka Education Board Result is already released today. Education Ministry Dr. Dipu Moni has announced the result. Since the result is released, candidates of Dhaka Board can know their achieved GPA and download the Dhaka Board SSC Result Marksheet.
Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024
In 2024, the SSC exam was held between February and March. The highest number of applicants, a total of 04 lakh and 16 thousand students have completed SSC Exam under Dhaka Board. The passing rate is impressive, a total of 3 lakh and 23 thousands students have passed.
Take a look at the numerical data of Dhaka Board Result-
- Total Applicant: 4 lakh 16 thousand(196123 male and 220303 female)
- Passing Rate: 77%
- Total Passed: 3 lakh 23 thousand (147859 male and 175177 female)
- Total GPA-5: 46, 665
- Failed: 93 thousand
Dhaka Education Board SSC Result is now available online. Each student can check out his/her Dhaka Board Secondary Result. The official website www.educationboardresults.gov.bd is the result portal for SSC Result 2024 Dhaka Board. Students from all education boards including Dhaka board can check results from this portal.

How to check Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024
The credentials you will need to enter: Six digit SSC Roll number and ten digit Registration number.
As I have first mentioned, there are two ways to check SSC Dhaka Board Result. The most popular is the online method. So, I am showing you the online method first and then the SMS method is described. The step-by-step guideline is shown-
Check Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 through online:
- Go to the result website – www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
- You need to select exam name, board name and exam year one after another
- Then enter your roll number and registration number correctly
- There will be a calculation as captcha, enter the answer
- Press on submit button to preview result
Note: If you find the www educationboardresults gov bd website not working then you can go to another result portal- www eboardresults com.
Check Dhaka Education Board Result by SMS method:
By the SMS method, you need only roll number to check your Dhaka Board SSC Exam Result. You dont need to type your registration number. Moreover, it is quite simple to check results via SMS because you just need to send only one message.
Follow the SMS format-
SSC <> DHA (first three letters of board name) <> Your SSC Roll <> Exam Year
Example: SSC DHA 456123 2024
Note: Here <> means space. After your message is sent, please for a few moments. You will receive a replied SMS on your device. The SMS will show your total GPA and subject wise GPA.
The SMS method can be used as an alternative way apart from the online method. Because, you can download your marksheet from the online portal but by this SMS method, you can only see the results.
Institute wise Result
Many teachers and students want to know their own school/institution result. For your kind information, it is possible to see school wise and madrasah wise results through an online portal. The well known, web based result portal is providing Dhaka Board institution wise SSC Results. For checking your school/madrasah result, you need to enter the EIIN number. The EIIN number you will find on the internet by a simple google search.
To check institution wise result-
- Go to the web based result portal (eboardresults.com)
- Select Result Type – Institution Wise Result
- Enter the EIIN number of your school/madrasah
- Then submit to see the detailed result
You will see the total student number that includes- examinee, appeared, passed and passing rate. Also, you can see each group wise (Science, commerce and Arts) detailed result.
Re-scrutiny Application
The re-scrutiny application means board challenge. According to the Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 data, this year over 93 thousands students have failed. These students have a chance to apply for re-check their exam paper. The re check application starts from the next day of publishing SSC Result 2024 Dhaka Board.
For the SSC Dhaka Board Re-scrutiny application, you have to send SMS from teletalk SIM. It is noteworthy that there is a fee for board challenge applications. You have to pay fee for each subject you apply for the board challenge.
As like- if you are applying for the English subject then you have to pay 300 taka (English 1st+English 2nd=300 tk).
But if you are applying for ICT subject then the fee is 150 tk because there is no second paper for ICT.
Dhaka Board Rescrutiny Result
After the re-scuritny application is end, the result will be released within a short time. Since the passing year decreased this year, the failed students number has increased. Thus, the application for re-scrutiny is increased this year compared with the previous year. However, only a few students’ result is changed through the re-scrutiny. But still students apply for board challenge as their last hope. There will be a PDF file for re-scrutiny results for each board. You will download your own board wise PDF file to know the re-scrutiny result. If your result is changed then you will download the new Dhaka Board SSC Marksheet.
Conclusion: Today the Dhaka Board SSC Result 2024 has been published. Congratulations to the students who have obtained A+ in the SSC exam from Dhaka Board. There will be a scholarship for this SSC Result. The scholarship brings many benefits for the students.The Scholarship Result will be released later. Keep an eye on this website for the board challenge result and the scholarship result.