Today, Dinajpur Board SSC Result 2024 has been released by our Prime Minister. She has inaugurated the result publication ceremony. Students of Dinajpur Board can check out their SSC Result 2024 Dinajpur Board from 11 AM in the morning. Do you know how to check Dinajpur Board Result? Here are the instructions given. Following the instructions, you can collect your Dinajpur Education Board SSC Result marksheet.
Since the result was declared, each student has been eager to know the result. From here, you can check out your result, know your obtained GPA and download the result marksheet. To get your SSC Result 2024 Dinajpur Education Board, you need to enter your registration number and roll number. The fun fact is that you can check out your institution based result. Also you can see district wise results and the overview of your board wise results.
Dinajpur Board SSC Result 2024
Dinajpur Board is one of the largest boards of the country. Over 02 lakhs of students have finished the SSC Exam under this board. Board chairman Prof. Abdus Salam Azad has announced about the result earlier. He transferred the result to the Education Ministry last week. Today our Education Minister handed all boards’ results to the Prime Minister and she has, one by one, announced each board’s SSC Result including Dinajpur Board SSC Result.
SSC Dinajpur Board Result Overview:
- Total candidates: 199568 (101112 male and 98456 female)
- Passed: 153459 (74437 male and 79022 female)
- Passing Rate: 77%
- Total GPA-5: 17486
Surprisingly, over 17 thousand students achieved GPA-5 under this board. If you compare to male and female students’, the girls will be ahead of the boys. By both passing rate and GPA-5 girls are better than boys.
SSC Result 2024 Dinajpur Board
Dinajpur Board authority publishes the SSC Result 2024 Dinajpur Board by their own website. Students under this board can check out their results and download the marksheet
You want to know your obtained GPA, right? I think you want to download your Dinajpur Board SSC Result marksheet. The marksheet presents your subject wise marks and grades. Hopefully, you can collect your result grade-sheet from here within only one minute. I am showing you the result checking method.
There are various ways to know the SSC Result 2024 Dinajpur Education Board. First of all, you can know your results through an online portal. Secondly, there is an SMS method which you can use to know about your result. Also, you can go to your school to find out the result. You will see the result list on the notice section.

How to check Dinajpur Board SSC Result?
As I have told earlier, Dinajpur Board is publishing the SSC Dinajpur Board Result on their own website. The website domain is Here, the step-by-step instruction is given for checking the result.
To get your marksheet-
- Visit the result-checking portal
- Then click on ‘Individual Result’
- You will require to enter your roll and registration number there
- Then submit it to see the marksheet
There, you can also see your institution wise results. But for checking your own school or madrasa wise results you need to know the EIIN number.
By this method, only students from Dinajpur Board can check out their results. Students from another board cannot check results from this portal. However, if you anyhow find this result checking portal not working then there is another website portal. The government-run portal publishes results for individual students.
SSC Result 2024 Dinajpur Education Board
Bangladesh Education Ministry runs an official website that is responsible for publishing any type of public exam results. That website is known as educationboardresults gov bd. Here is the link given so that you can access the website. You can visit this portal to check your Dinajpur Board SSC Result 2024 and collect marksheet.
To check results-
- Go to the website result checking official website
- Carefully enter your registration number and roll number (do not make any mistake)
- Then press the submit button to check your result marksheet
Not only the students, also the guardians can check out the results by following this method. Some students ask if there is any PDF file for the marksheet. Well, you can collect your marksheet from the online portal as a PDF file. You can save it on your device for further use. You may need this marksheet for any administrative purpose.
Institution Based Result
From the web based portal, you can see your own school/madrasah based result. You can see the result overview of your school or madrasah. But as I have said earlier, you need to know the EIIN number of your institution.
To get your institution wise results-
- Visit the Web Based Result – www
- Select the result type – Institution Wise Result
- Enter the EIIN code number
- Then enter to preview results
You will see the detailed result including male-female result comparison and the group wise total GPA-5 number.
District Based Result
By accessing the web based result portal, you can know your district wise result. Here are the instructions for checking your own district result-
- Go to
- Select result type- District Wise Result
- Select your board name and the district name
- Then press search to view result
This is the proper way to see Dinajpur Education Board SSC Result for your own district. You can also know your Board Wise Result. For this, you have to change the result type to ‘Board Analytics’. Then you will select your board name to see the result.
Dinajpur Board SSC Result by SMS
Students fear about their result since this result is quite important for them. The simplest way to check result is the SMS method. You can know your individual result just by sending one SMS. Over 1.5 lakh students passed from Dinajpur Board. Each of them can check out their results by this easy method.
See the SMS format-
SSC <> DIN <> SSC Roll Number <> 2024
For an example: SSC DIN 741852 2024
Note: Here DIN refers to the first three letters of DINAJPUR board name. You mustn’t make any mistake while typing this SMS format. Please wait for a few seconds after you’ve send this message from your mobile phone.
Board Challenge Application
According to the statistics, over 46 thousand students could not pass the Dinajpur Board. If you see the data, then you will notice that most of these students have failed in English and Mathematics. However, the board challenge starts by the next day.
You have to pay a fee for each paper you apply for. The fee is not refundable. You need to send SMS from Teletalk SIM for the application. When the board challenge application result will be revealed, you will be able to know your result.
Conclusion: This year, 17 thousand students achieved GPA-5 from Dinajpur Board. This good result will help them in their future study (both in college admission and later university admission). Students, best of luck for you. Those have applied for board challenge, keep patience and wait for the results.
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